Friday, May 13, 2011


Meeting held at Lefty's Lounge on Cass Avenue.

In attendance: David Hopkins, Tim Moran, Elizabeth Ryan, Justin Wargo

Report of the President:
Bake sale was quite successful, raising $155.00. Next bake sale will hopefully take place during the third week of the Fall Semester. HGSA donated 5 trees which were planted near parking structure #2. New officers were announced: President - Tim Moran, Co-VP Social - David Hopkins and Steve Steinhardt, CO-VP Education - Beth Fowler and Josiah Rector, VP Administration - Errin Stegich, Mentoring Liaison - Elizabeth Ryan, Treasurer - Maria Wendeln, Secretary - Justin Wargo.

Report of the Secretary:
Minutes approved from April 2011 meeting.

Report of the Co-VPs of Education:
Not in attendance, but the following was discussed by attendees. Maria is working on furthering the virtual writing group. Tim brought up a suggestion from Beth concerning a Fall Semester workshop on job interview/teacher etiquette. Sort of a spin-off of the more informal stuff taught at the Job Search workshop. Finally, a Fall Semester workshop reviewing a sample of a complete teaching dossier, similar to the one Dr. Retish showed HGSA members.

Report of the VP of Administration:
Not in attendance, but the following was discussed by attendees. Work on link from History Department homepage to HGSA blog. Also, still hoping to solidify plans for a quarterly HGSA newsletter.

Report of the VP of Social Affairs:
HGSA June outing to the Octagon House. Additional suggested events include: possible picnic at Miliken Park (Justin will contact Patrick if picnic site is needed); possible house party/gathering at David's between Summer and Fall Semesters, Aug 19-Aug 31.

Report of the Chancellor of the Exchequer/Treasurer:
Not in attendance, but the following discussed by attendees. Tim notified members that HGSA has roughly $300 in available funds.

Old Business:
DOSO PhD committees?

New Business:

-Create officer position of Peer Mentoring. On 5/10/2011, description approved. Bylaws need to be amended, which is done at the DOSO

-Prep for new graduate student orientation which happens week before start of Fall Semester. Possible tie-in with suggested house party at David's.

-Prep for new faculty arrival on campus. Suggested that HGSA officers take them to the Detroit Brewing Company after their orientation.

-Fund raising for Fall term includes bake sale during third week of semester. Discuss location of HGSA table.

Next Meeting: Lefty's Lounge - July 20, 2011 at 4:00 p.m.